First, I must apologize to all of you loyal Senior Speak visitors who check in regularly, just thirsting for more, only to be disappointed that I haven't posted any new whatevers, to enlighten and regale you. I've been busy; very, very busy. Other than that, not much has been happening. I will be posting much more regularly, so save this site in your Favorites and come back often.
Now for the good stuff.
He went back to his hometown in New Jersey and contacted his old best friends; the members of his teen-age rock band called "The Lucky Tiger Grease Stick Band". They always practiced in Mitch's basement. His old home had been sold long before, but the present owners, God bless 'em, agreed to let the reunited "Lucky Tiger Greasers" use their basement, one last time. Ya just gotta love this video ! But, after you watch it, keep reading. "The Lucky Tiger Grease Stick Band" is just the opening act.
In his piece, Mitch had two great "Before and After" photos, one of the 8 members (remember that number, 8) taken when they were teen-agers, and one taken at the band's reunion. Unfortunately, I couldn't locate those photos. But, there are No Friends Like Old Friends, especially if, like Mitch Albom, you have 7 of them.
You're about to meet 7 of the main reasons why "I yam who I yam". You probably don't care, but, it is my website, so please humor me. These are 7 of the finest Old Friends (more like brothers) that a man could have. "The Guys". Not quite as catchy as "The Lucky Tiger Grease Stick Band", but we don't play instruments and sing either.
L to R, Front: Ram, Lehr, Stek, Schans
L to R Rear: Chas, Fuzz, Toad, Dirk
Photo taken in 1962

L to R, Rear: Chas, Fuzz, Toad, Dirk
Photo taken in 2002
I met Fuzz in the Spring of 1955, Chas in the Fall of '55, and the other Guys in the Fall of '57, in High School. We were just your typical mild-mannered, respectful teen-agers then, and I think you'll agree that we've all improved with age. We never got in any trouble, but my Darlin' Darlene says that that's only because we never got caught.
One tiny character flaw does come to mind though, that I'll share with you. It occurred in the Spring of our Senior Year in High School. Like all Senior classes, we had elections to decide career changing issues like class colors, class song (hymn), class Bible verse (we attended Grand Rapids Christian High School), class idiot etc. Toad was the Class President or Vice-President, I don't recall which, but he and a few of us other Guys were in charge of counting the ballots. Why they actually put us in charge of anything was a major lapse on their part, in my opinion, so they actually caused us to fall part way from Grace anyway.
The counting went well except for the winning song (hymn). I had been chosen by our Choir Czarina to be the Senior who was to sing the Class song (hymn) at Graduation. The winning song (hymn) was one that I particularly disliked, since it had an extremely high note that I could not hit without screeching. I told Toad, "Ain't no wayI'm singin' that song (hymn)". Typically, Toad said, "No problem. Which one of the other song (hymn) nominees would you like". I sensed a problem and said, " What about the ballots?" Toad replied, "We'll burn 'em. All important elections should have the ballots burned. If it's good enough for the Catholics, it's good enough for us." As it happened, a new Pope had just been elected, and it had been all over the news, and the burning of the Papal ballots had apparently caught Toad's fancy. We weren't Catholic, but borrowing a little from Church Tradition didn't really amount to a conversion, was pretty much how our logic went.
So, we went in search for a ballot burning vessel. We approached George the Janitor, and asked for a can or something. He said he didn't have a can but he had a cardboard box. Curiously, he never asked what we needed it for, but he did say that he definitely needed it back. We promised to return it. We proceeded to the School parking lot, and ignited the ballots which promptly ignited the box. We beat out the flames, and re-ignited the ballots, which re-ignited the box, and get the picture. It required several re-ignitions to destroy the evidence without totally destroying the box, which we dutifully returned to George the Janitor. He just stared at the box. I guess we expected him to show some sort of surprise. We'll never know. Throwing an election is not something to take lightly, and it did weigh heavily on me and caused me to question my personal integrity for a time. I'm sure it had the same effect on the other Guys, but we've gotten over it. I got through the song (hymn) nicely, thank you very much.
Unlike Mitch, we've kept in close touch throughout all of the ensuing years, and the friendships have just grown stronger. We're scattered from Salt Lake City to Ponte Vedra Beach, and places between, but like old friends everywhere, whenever we get together, and we do quite often, it's as if we'd never left.
I'll revisit the Guys from time to time here in these posts, perhaps with titles like:
Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign
Chicken Thief, What's In a Name; How I Discovered Respect For The Law
Bridge and Blackjack May Come and Go, But Setback Lives Forever
Beer; An Acquired Taste
Grandma's Olds; Door One or Door Two ?
So, love your new friends but cherish your old ones. They've come a long way with you, and they love you in spite of it all.
I welcome your comments, questions, suggestions or criticisms, so please click on the Comment button and fire away.
Have yourself a wonderful day, because it's a wonderful day out there.
Don Lehr (Michguy)
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