Sixty-six ! Hard to imagine. At this moment, I can only think of 2 good things about 66. First, it's great to have made it, and second, I love Route 66. Not the Highway itself, but the aura that it's generated over the years; the romance of the road West, from Chicago to Southern California. I like the song too. "...get your kicks on Route 66." which segues me into my topic for today, Christmas Music.
Can you imagine anything that has produced a wider range of musical output than Christmas ? From the ridiculousness of "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer", to the sublimity of Handel's "Messiah". My Darlin Darlene and I have managed to cover the gamut fairly well. I haven't done an actual count, but we have a stereo system that has a 51 slot carousel, and our Christmas CD collection won't fit. And, I'm proud to say, we don't have a CD that includes the "Grandma..." thing.

I love the music of Christmas, and always have, although I'm happy to confine my enjoyment to the month of December, give or take a day or two. My Darlin' Dar and I always Deck our Halls for Christmas on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and mark the season's onset by playing some of our favorite Christmas music as we decorate. Every year, since my daughter, Alicia, sent it to us around 14 years ago, the first CD that we play is Aaron Neville's wonderful "Soulful Christmas". Try it, you'll love it.

A couple years back, I stumbled across a Christmas CD that is extraordinary. Imagine a Rock Band doing a Christmas CD. I'm sure that if I'd stumbled across a Christmas CD by REO Speedwagon, I would have passed, but this wasn't by just any Rock Band. This was by the Moody Blues. You really do need to find it. It's called "December", and it's excellent except for one song. The only track that is a typical Christmas offering, is "White Christmas" and it's the only skippable song on the CD. Try it, you'll love it.
Nearly everybody has Barbra Streisand, Mannheim Steamroller, Trans-Siberian Orchestra and all the classics. Check out Peabo Bryson's "Peace On Earth", Kenny G, and Harry Connick Jr.'s stuff. But, whatever you do, enjoy this wonderful season, and stay warm.

Now, I've gotta get back to my Stained Glass Workshop. Lotsa presents to complete. By the way, the Santa at the top is my Son-In-Law, Donovan, my daughter Alicia's husband, playing Santa at their store, Kidz-'N'-More, out in Garberville, California.
Have yourself a wonderful day, because it's a wonderful day out there !
Don Lehr (Michguy)
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